All about me and my life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Weight Watchers

During my pregnancy I was pretty good about gaining weight. I started my pregnancy with a few extra pounds so my doctor didn't want me to gain too much weight. By the end I only gained 21 pounds. It would have been 24 but I got REALLY sick a few days before I delivered my baby - that's all you need to know. By about a week or two after given birth I had lost 13 of those pounds. Just 8 pounds to go!!! Unfortunately for me I started having these starving feeling. I just couldn't eat enough, I was always hungry. So I began to eat a lot and the weight started piling on. Of course I didn't weigh myself so I was in denial as to the extent of the damage.

When I went to my ob/gyn a few months later I had regained all of my pregnancy weight and more! I was upset and began thinking about starting a diet but didn't really do anything about it. At Thanksgiving I saw my cousin and his wife who had both just lost a lot of weight recently by joining Weight Watchers. Harvey and I decided that maybe it would be a good idea for us to start it too (he gained a little more than me during my pregnancy).

I spoke to a coworker, Mary, about how I was going to join and another coworker happened to also mention that she wanted to join too. Mary decided that maybe we should have it at work. I called Weight Watchers and got the pricing info and Mary spoke to our boss. He agreed that not only could we have it at school (I don't know if I ever mentioned it but I work in the business office of a private school) but that the school would also pay for it! I was so excited. Mary and I got a large group of interested people together and began the program.

It has been six weeks and I lost a lot of weight. My goal was to lose 10 pounds by the time of the wedding. I had five and a half weeks from the time that I started until the wedding. By the end of the fourth week, I had lost 10.6 pounds and by the end of the fifth week it was 13.2 pounds. I think that I am one of the people that had lost the most at my school.

Since I have really been good, my treat was that I would allow myself to really pig out at the wedding. I was so excited because they had a sushi bar (I love sushi but don't have it a lot) and I just kept eating at the buffet. I knew that I would put on a few pounds from it but it was worth it. After stuffing myself at the buffet, I could barely eat any of my meal. I was really full and I think that it has to do with my new eating habits since I have really been watching my portions more carefully. Now, I eat almost everything I did before but I watch how much of it I eat. I will not be weighed this week or next week since the school is closed (the business office still has to work but no teachers are here) - so we cancelled the meetings. This week was busy for me but I might try to go to an actual meeting at a Weight Watchers location next week. I know that I might have gained a little back but I still feel good.

So my first goal is to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. After that I would like to lose another 20 pounds but if I at least get to my first goal I will be happy. Weight Watchers usually sets a goal weight with you after you have reached your 10% goal, which I haven't met yet so I guess we will see what they say.

I think that I am going to put a weight loss bar so that everybody can see how I have been doing.

1 comment:

Leeann said...

Yay, you! I am in weight watcher's too. I have lost 30 lbs in 6 months. ( I have hypotyroidism, making it EXTREMELY hard for me to lose weight...but I'm doing it...slow as it is.)
You'll have to post pics when you reach your goal, to keep the rest of us motivated!