All about me and my life.

Monday, March 10, 2008

I've Finally Found the One

I met my husband at work. It is funny how these things work out. I was waiting to meet someone who was worthy enough to marry me, going on many dates, networking myself, going to different places to meet people and then he just came TO ME! I am pretty traditional and so I guess that is the way that it should have been for me - with the guy finding me.

Now I will backtrack for a little and share some of the story. (Maybe I will share more at a later date). I was at my previous place of employment for a number of years. It was my first real (full-time) job after college. I was moving up the ladder pretty quickly and was at the point where I was one of the people whose job it was to train the new employees (this of course had to be done while still getting all of my other work done on time). Anyway, I actually enjoyed training the new employees. I got to know everyone (and see which of them I would choose to work with later by seeing who had more potential than others). In fact, I was one of the only people who knew almost everyone in my firms name.

Twice a year there was a new group of recruits. In one of those groups was my future husband. Of course I didn't know it then. So we met and nothing came from that until a few months later when we happened to start talking, he asked for my number, we spoke on the phone, he asked me out, we went on our first date. The rest is history.

More details will follow when I have more time. Also stay tuned for stories from our first (and second and third, etc) date.

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