All about me and my life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As I mentioned before, Harvey and I had a wedding on Sunday evening. We were very excited since the last wedding we had been to was in October. This weddnig was for a guy that Harvey used to be friends with a while ago and hasn't really kept in touch with lately. In fact, I have never even met him. He lived in Florida for a while and didn't come to our wedding. But, we love weddings, especially now that we don't get to dress up and go out very often.

At religious Jewish weddings the order of events is as follows: smorgasbord (a buffet) then the ceremony and then the meal and dancing. Well, there are obviously more details of different customs that go on but those are the basics. If anyone would like to hear more about it then please leave a comment I will be happy to go through a Jewish wedding and its customs for you.

We both totally pigged out at the smorg (I think I ate more than Harvey). My in-laws were also at the wedding so I sat with my mother-in-law at the ceremony. Harvey and I danced a little and ate some more. I totally skipped the deserts (except for one lone strawberry from the fondue bar - but without the chocolate, can you believe it) because I didn't want to be so bad on my diet (that will be for another post). All in all we had a lot of fun, caught up with a few of Harvey's old friends who will try to get together with soon and ate a lot of good food. We can't wait for the next wedding! I will post a pic as soon as my hubby downloads the pics from our camera onto our computer.

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